No. No, because if they were going to do that, they'd be doing it already. No, because even if we're angry and stressed and scared and confused, we still live in this society and it's ours to make better. Even during the hard times, there are ways for us to provide a benefit for society, and the onus is on each of us to do that.
In my second post, I suggested that we make a list of our resources. Not just our money, but our abilities, talents, packs, health, time, et cetera. What's in your corner? If you have that list handy, pull it out and if not, make one now. What on your list can be used to better the lives of the people around you? This needs to be done in a way that doesn't set you back further, so think down the road a little to the probable impact on your life.
Can you volunteer? Help a friend? Provide information? Create something beautiful? Walk dogs for the humane society? Read to a child? Most churches, social service agencies and not-for-profit organizations would love for someone to lend them a hand; they're all under-funded. We all have things we do well that can be our gift to society.
Lately, I haven't given money to any causes. However, I've volunteered to be on the security team at my church, I've offered free trumpet lessons to the 10-year-old next door, and I've been writing this blog, as well as a book. What would I get out of doing any of these things? I don't know, but that isn't the point.
This isn't me being charitable. This is me doing my part. The dearth of jobs in the United States is not expected to abate. While the corporations will recover financially by creating new markets overseas, the United States expects to move forward with nearly 20% of the workforce being jobless. (This figure is higher than the unemployment rate, which is based on those jobless individuals who are currently receiving benefits.) Our society can go either of two directions. We can collapse into a cesspool of drugs, crime and poverty, or we can pull together, think creatively, redefine value, and work together to help one another.
If spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. - Ethiopian proverb