Sunday, September 27, 2009

Assessing our Assets

An enormous fallacy has been drilled into our minds: the idea that our net worth is determined by our finances.  It's true that someone's bank account is one type of asset, however this two-dimensional black-and-red spreadsheet overlooks many things a person could draw upon in a time of need.

Let's sculpt this image further.  What personal characteristics, assets, or resources can each of us use to our advantage?  If you have pen and paper handy, jot out a list.  Time is an asset, as are your skills.  A spare room in your house could be used by a roommate or by someone willing to pay for safe storage.  Your yard could be used to grow food inexpensively, and if you have no yard, containers placed on a balcony or in front of a window could do the same.  All that stuff in your attic that you've been meaning to pitch - what could that get you on Ebay?  If you have a car, keep it in good working condition.  Social service agencies don't help with transportation, as this is not seen as a need.  Anybody who has walked four miles carrying groceries knows that it is.

When I lost my job, I decided to keep my travel plans for the following week.  (The airfare was non-refundable.)  I would have spent less money had I stayed home, however I also would have forgone one of my greatest resources: time spent with my friends.  They listened to me, made me laugh, helped me have fun, and gave me ideas to use on my job hunt.  They softened the blow immensely.

Humans are pack animals.  We are meant to function as a member of various societies.  When we lose our job, we lose one of our packs - often the one that defines our sense of purpose.  What other packs do you have?  Your family?  Friends?  Any organizations?  While you might be low on money, you likely have more time.  Consider investing your time into a few of your packs.  Volunteer work has the added benefit of being a resume-filler, and could even become a job.

When you list your resources, make it as long a list as you can.  My cat is on my list of resources, not because she makes me money, but because she's funny and affectionate, and I'm motivated to maintain a place for her to live.  

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